We are now in the thick of spring, which means before long, the spring semester will be coming to an end. Near the end of every semester, there comes the widely dreaded week of finals, which can make or break the semester. This can be especially pervasive when you're an online student. You've spent the last three months or so, studying independently and pushing yourself to stay on top of your academics. The journey has been long and sometimes even lonely but you have kept at it and now that the end is near, you are probably a little apprehensive about how the semester is going to end.
As someone who spent their whole entire undergrad online, I know the struggle. If you are currently taking classes online this spring, here are five tips to help you end the school year with a bang.
1. Take breaks when necessary
This one is very important. At this point in the semester, it is very easy to get caught up in the cycle of trying to take on too many assignments all at once in order to focus on the bigger assignments at hand, such as term papers and prepping for finals.
Although you may be getting things done in a short span of time, you are more than likely pushing yourself too hard, which will only leave you more vulnerable to burnout. Take those breaks and spread those assignments out.
For every assignment, you complete, give yourself time off before jumping to the next. If you are stuck on a particular assignment, take a break from it and either start an assignment that is a little easier on the brain or focus on something a little less stimulating.
However, please be diligent and stay on top of your time management skills. Overindulgence is a no-no at this point in the school year.
Related: 9 Ways to Recharge After a Long Semester in College
2. Study smarter not harder
Just as we say, "work smarter, not harder," in reference to our vocational pursuits, the same can be applied when it comes to studying as well.
If you approach it the wrong way, studying for finals can quickly become a chronic cycle of procrastination but it does not have to be that way. If you have taken thorough notes from class lectures and recorded the information from weekly quizzes throughout the semester, you should be all set to have a smooth studying experience.
However, the hardest part will be arranging all of the material and figuring out a system in which to study. This will, of course, be dependent upon your individual learning style.
If you're a visual learner, you may do well by arranging the study material in a visually appealing way such as color-coding. If you are an auditory learner, you may do well by rewatching lecture videos or having a close friend or relative come over and test your knowledge out loud, and so on and so forth.
The ultimate goal is to tailor studying to fit your personal style while keeping it engaging and effective. Get creative—studying does not have to be hard.
3. Take advantage of your resources
Whether it be reaching out to your professor, fellow classmates, a virtual tutor, or your academic counselor—if you are having trouble with anything, it would be in your best interest to seek out your resources.
Maybe you need a writing tutor to look over one of your term papers or maybe you are afraid you're not going to pass a particular class. Whatever the hurdle, you want to ensure that you are exploring your options.
4. Give your all on term papers
Finals are one thing but you also want to ensure that your term papers are of the utmost quality. This is especially important if you excel at writing papers but do not perform so well on tests. Due to the volume of weight they hold, term paper grades have the power to swoop in and make all the difference at the end of the semester.
Give them your all; they just might be your golden ticket to passing the class.
5. Be strategic in scheduling your finals
If you are currently taking classes online that require proctored exams, it is best to be strategic and schedule your finals ahead of time. Many testing locations are limited when it comes to the number of seats/computers available for students so this is a must.
You also want to decide on dates that fit your schedule, especially if you have children and/or work a full-time job.
If you do not do anything else, however, please AVOID scheduling all of your exams for one day. Be strategic and spread them out. Your final grades and mental health with thank you.
Before long, the school year will be over and you will have a little extra freedom to focus on things outside of your academics (unless summer school is on the agenda). Either way, you should give yourself a nice, stern pat on the back for making it this far. Keep pushing and hopefully, these 5 tips will help you as you aim to end the spring semester strong!
If you are currently an online student, what steps are you taking or like to take to end the spring semester strong? Start the convo below!